Kris Graves is known for his powerful documentarian style photographs, amplifying BIPOC photographers and addressing issues of race, identity, and equity through Kris Graves Projects & Monolith Editions and most recently his efforts to create the first NFT photobooks. Part one of our conversation reveals that with community building photographers can find another avenue of success with NFTs.
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Kris Graves
Kris Graves soundbite [00:00:01]
Episode overview [00:00:44]
How Kris found photography [00:01:32]
The shift from gallery owner to photobook publisher [00:09:35]
Finding NFTs [00:16:29]
The National Geographic cover [00:19:32]
Deciding to drop an NFT [00:28:40]
Traditional artworld vs NFT artworld [00:34:37]
The ecosystem of NFTs [00:36:53]
Social media’s role in the NFT ecosystem [00:40:03]
Addressing artist hesitance toward NFTs [00:45:27]
Traditional vs NFT photobooks [00:52:36]
The first NFT photobook: Morning Star [00:55:43]
Marshall Scheuttle’s Morning Star
Kris Graves’ What Came True
Measuring the success of KGP NFT & moving it forward [01:04:30]
Community in NFT spaces [01:09:24]
Quantum [01:13:55]
Community sponsorship
Where we are in the evolution of NFTs in photo [01:17:40]
Sign off [01:23:43]